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Envoy reiterates China's position on trade frictions

author:China Dailysource:Shandong Yino Biologic MaterialsNumber:1662dates:2019-05-20

Envoy reiterates China's position on trade frictions

Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu delivers briefing on Sino-US trade conflict

A Chinese envoy reiterated China's position on China-US trade frictions at the United Nations.

"No matter how much pressure there is, China will resolutely defend the core interests of the country and the fundamental interests of the people and will never give in on major issues of principle," said Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu, Chinese permanent representative to the UN.

He spoke at a briefing on the situation of China-US trade frictions held by the Permanent Mission of China at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Friday.

During the briefing, Ma clarified the facts, stated China's position, and refuted the unreasonable accusations from the United States.

More than 100 representatives of UN member states and international agencies attended the briefing.

Ma expounded on the state of China-US trade consultations since the US unilaterally provoked friction in March 2018.

Ma said that, at the G20 Leaders' Summit in Buenos Aires last year, the Chinese and US presidents reached important consensus to expand cooperation based on mutual benefit; manage differences based on mutual respect and jointly promote China-US relations featuring coordination and stability.

The trade teams of the two sides then had rounds of consultations, and held dialogue on issues of common interest, such as trade, balance, intellectual property protection, and two-way investment, continuously expanding consensus, narrowing differences, and making progress on specific issues.

"The Chinese side has been committed to resolving differences through dialogue, keeping the door open for negotiations, actively engaged in trade talks with greatest patience and sincerity, and doing its utmost to seek the biggest common denominator of the interests of both sides," said Ma.

"However, in disregard of China's sincerity and efforts and in violation of the principle of equality and mutual benefit, the US has resorted to maximum pressure, demanding unreasonable terms," he said, adding this "has once again escalated trade frictions between the two countries and cast a shadow over China-US trade relations".

"This is the result of the US bullying in trade. And it is the US who started the trade dispute, not China," he said.

Facing trade frictions, Ma reiterated China's attitude is clear. "China does not want a trade war, is unwilling to fight, but is not afraid to fight," Ma said.

Ma said the China-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world. The economic and trade relations are the "ballast" and "propeller" of this important bilateral relationship. And it is not only about China-US bilateral relations but also world peace and prosperity.

The Chinese side strongly opposes the US practice of imposing tariffs. "It is not conducive to China, not conducive to the United States, and not conducive to the entire world. Adding tariffs will not solve any problem," he said.

He said the Chinese economy has maintained steady growth and has shown positive momentum. US trade protectionist measures will have an impact on the Chinese economy, but it can be overcome.

"We have full confidence in China's economic prospects. We will continue to promote reform and opening up according to our own pace, and promote high-quality development of the economy according to our own timetable and road map, to realize long-term stability and growth of the Chinese economy," he said.

In response to the US erroneous remarks to China about "forced technology transfer" and "theft of intellectual property", Ma elaborated on China's position by clarifying and refuting it.

"We hope that the US will work with China to jointly promote China-US relations based on coordination, cooperation and stability," he said.

"Both sides should respect each other's core concerns and follow the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit," he said, adding it is the only way to expand cooperation, effectively resolve the trade issues between the two sides, ensure long-term stability and progress of China-US relations, and bring more benefits to the people of both countries and the world.
