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Multilateralism, global challenges on G20 agenda

author:China Dailysource:Shandong Yino Biologic MaterialsNumber:1524dates:2019-06-25

Multilateralism, global challenges on G20 agenda

China would like to make joint efforts with all parties to safeguard multilateralism and deal with global challenges at the upcoming G20 summit to be attended by President Xi Jinping, a senior diplomat said Monday.

Zhang Jun, assistant minister of foreign affairs, said at a news conference that host country Japan and the international community are enthusiastically awaiting Xi's participation in the G20 summit in Osaka. Xi will travel to Japan on Thursday to attend the summit at the invitation of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

It would be the seventh consecutive time that Xi attends or chairs the G20 summit, fully demonstrating the great attention that China pays to G20 cooperation and global governance, Zhang said.

At the summit, to be held Friday and Saturday, Xi will talk with other leaders about such issues as global economy and trade, digital economy, inclusive and sustainable development, infrastructure, climate change, energy and environment, he said.

During the four plenary sessions of the summit, Xi will elaborate on his views about the world economy, seek solutions to current problems and examine the direction of the global economy, Zhang said.

Xi is set to attend the informal meeting of the leaders of BRICS nations, which are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. He also is to attend the informal meeting of the leaders of China, Russia and India, and the meeting among Chinese and African leaders on the sidelines of the summit. Xi will also have bilateral meetings with leaders of other countries, according to Zhang.

Zhang said that while the global economic order is facing serious impacts from unilateralism and protectionism, China has made important contributions to promoting global economic growth, improving global governance and coping with risks and challenges.

Chen Yulu, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, said at the news conference that China hopes that all parties at G20 will send a clear and positive signal of upholding multilateralism at the summit.

The G20 countries should further improve their macroeconomic coordination and make comprehensive use of all policy tools, including fiscal, monetary and structural reform, to promote the vigorous, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of the world economy, Chen said.
