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Which chemical technologies are affected? China adjust the banned, restricted export technology catalog!

author:Shandong Yino Biologic Materialssource:Shandong Yino Biologic MaterialsNumber:1945dates:2020-09-04

On August 28, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of science and technology adjusted and issued the catalogue of China's export prohibited and restricted technologies.


The revision of the catalogue has solicited opinions from relevant departments, industry associations, industry academia and the public, involving 53 technical items


First, 4 items of technical items prohibited from export have been deleted;

The second is to delete 5 technical items that are restricted to export;

Third, 23 new technical items restricting export were added;

Fourth, the control points and technical parameters of 21 technical items were modified.


The technologies involved in petroleum and chemical industry are as follows:


1. The microbial fertilizer technology (No.: 050302j) is deleted.

2. Delete the item of production technology of chemical synthesis and semi synthetic caffeine (No.: 052701j).

3. Delete riboflavin (VB2) production process (No.: 052702j).

4. Delete the item of chemical synthesis and semi synthetic drug production technology (No.: 052705j).


Two :Export restriction

1. The control point 2 of chemical raw material production technology (No.: 052601x) was revised to "new technology for efficient treatment of complex scheelite by sulfur phosphorus mixed acid synergistic system".

2. New control points under biopesticide production technology (No.: 052603x)

"8. Avermectin strain and production technology 9. BT strain and production technology 10. Bacillus subtilis strain and production technology 11. Chunleimycin strain and production technology 12. Pyrimidine nucleoside antibiotics (Agricultural Antibiotic 120) strain and production technology 13. Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae strains and production technology".

3. Delete the item of chemical synthesis and semi synthetic drug production technology (No.: 052703x).

4. Delete the entry of preparation and processing technology of bioactive functional polymer materials (No.: 052706x).

5. Add "design and manufacturing technology of core components of petroleum equipment (No.: 183607x), control points: design and manufacturing technology of high-end downhole operation tools and software of oil and gas gathering and transportation key equipment, top drive, injection head, pressure crack, liquid nitrogen pump, liquid nitrogen evaporator and other core drilling and completion components".

6. Add"basic process technology of large petrochemical equipment (No.: 183608x), control points: material technology, welding technology, heat treatment technology, processing technology and detection technology of reactor, furnace, heat exchanger, spherical tank and other static equipment in large petrochemical and coal chemical plant".


It is reported that technology export can be divided into three categories: freedom, restriction and prohibition. Free technology is subject to post contract registration, while restricted technology import and export needs to apply for license. Since 2007, the Ministry of Commerce has delegated the import and export licensing authority of restricted technologies to the competent commercial departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.
